Representative Romanian Terroir
From Romanian well-known grape varieties, we made series of excellent cuopages, mirroring the soil, climate and the typical winery tradition of each area.
As variety is the essence of life, we wanted to express Romanian terroir by a wide array of grape varieties from the specific wine-growing areas of our country. Thus, we have looked for the best vineyards from the most representative producers. This was the birth of these wines, a series of complementary wine variety meant for the wine enthusiasts and for those who truly believe in the Romanian wine-growing tradition.
We identified a common concept for all three wine-growing areas and thus, the name TARLA 101 (plot of land) came naturally, as a reference to the birthplace of these wines. We believe it emphasizes what we wanted to render through these coupages, which we want savoured both in association with special dishes, as well as appreciated as such.